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Story Publication logo March 30, 2017

Bangladesh’s Leather Industry Exposes Workers and Children to Toxic Hazards


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Pollution sickens and kills millions of people worldwide each year. This project explores the most...

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Handprints in chromium sulfate accumulate on the outside of a tannery wall. Workers pat the walls during breaks to wipe chemicals from their hands.
Handprints in chromium sulfate accumulate on the outside of a tannery wall. Workers pat the walls during breaks to wipe chemicals from their hands. Image by Larry C. Price. Bangladesh, 2016.

Rotting animal hides and toxic chemicals. That's the stench emanating from a neighborhood in Bangladesh's capital, where hundreds of leather tanneries are packed into two square miles and workers, toiling away under horrific conditions, don't know the full danger they face. Hari Sreenivasan narrates this report from Pulitzer Center grantees Justin Kenny and Larry Price.