Paying Tribute
How could a memorial recognize and remember the role of enslaved people in making the United States a wealthy and powerful country?
Students use the tools of restorative narrative and storytelling to interrogate, consider, and critique the role and function of the United States legal system.
Click here to learn more about the work the Young Pharaohs Mentoring Academy is undertaking as part...
November 14, 2022 -
Holton Forward
Our project is guided by the Essential Question: How can we recognize and remember the contributions...
July 19, 2022 -
The City Neighbors Charter School unit centralizes the theme of legacy through an interdisciplinary...
October 22, 2021 -
The Baltimore City College team aimed to equip Social Studies and English students with the tools to...
October 22, 2021 -
Donnalie Jamnah
Donnalie Jamnah is a Senior Education Program Manager for the Pulitzer Center’s education team. They manage several programs including the 1619 Educator Network. DJ joined the Pulitzer Center team in...
April 27, 2021 -
Lucille Crelli
Lucille (Lucy) Crelli is a designer who uses visual design and design strategy to address the pressing social justice issues of today. She is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA...
November 15, 2019 -
Jackie Calderon
Jackie Calderon is the editorial coordinator at the Pulitzer Center and is a recent graduate from George Mason University, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Integrative Studies with a...
June 3, 2019 -
Tom Hundley
Before joining the Pulitzer Center, Tom Hundley was a newspaper journalist for 36 years, including nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. During that time he served as...
September 24, 2010