Story Publication logo May 14, 2021

SHOT: Caught a Soul

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Using both theater and journalism, this reporting covers the point of view of a Black teen who was...


SHOT_French Subtitles_5_12_21.mp4 from Bobby Field on Vimeo.

One of the leading causes of death of African-American boys and men in the United States is police violence. Research from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that African-American men are 2.5 times more likely to die by police killing than white men by police officers' hands.

Gloria J. Browne-Marshall's 30-minute play, SHOT: Caught a Soul, features 16-year-old Kareem Johnson, an African-American teenager who dies from a single gunshot at the hands of a white police officer, Michael O'Donald. Told from the perspective of each person, the play takes the audience on a journey of what happened that night when Johnson died.

Browne-Marshall is an essayist, legal correspondent, writer, criminal justice professor, playwright, and civil rights attorney.

Watch SHOT: Caught a Soul.