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Story Publication logo November 11, 2020

Multimedia: Suffocated Amazon


Pocone, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Flames raises from a trunk in a farm at Pocone village. Image by Antonio Scorza / Shutterstock. Brazil, 2020.

A look at Amazonian fires and deforestation during the dry season and the possible consequences for...

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Pocone, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Flames raises from a trunk in a farm at Pocone village. Image by Antonio Scorza / Shutterstock. Brazil, 2020.
Pocone, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Flames raises from a trunk in a farm at Pocone village. Image by Antonio Scorza / Shutterstock. Brazil, 2020.

Suffocated Amazon is a special reporting project on how the burning and deforestation in the Amazon's dry season could be linked to the respiratory health of the Amazonian population during the Covid pandemic. The project has three fronts of action that together inform the public about the serious crisis that is taking place in the Amazon at the moment. The interactive map with real-time visualization of hot spots reveals to the reader which are the most critical areas in the Amazon in 2020.

A layer of geotagged stories that report the degradation observed via satellite from the ground are superimposed on these data points in the interactive map. The local reports and stories, which complement the data, are obtained with the support of four journalists, producing news from ParĂ¡, Amazonas, Acre and Mato Grosso. The stories help explain the data and the data helps inform the stories. The connection between the two is what InfoAmazonia calls geojournalism, a key component of our production.

In addition to this digital platform, the content distribution generated by the Suffocated Amazon map also takes place via Twitter bot. The bot sends daily alerts about the most critical fires on the map. Currently, there are two daily reports that feed information and maps on hot spots detected in indigenous lands and conservation units in the region to the bot.

For updated information, follow our bot: @botqueimadas.

Suffocated Amazon Team

Juliana Mori, general coordination and data visualization
Rodrigo Menegat, data development, automation and analysis
Thadeu Melo, reporting editor
Guilherme Guerreiro Neto, ParĂ¡ reporter
Izabel Santos, Amazonas reporter
Juliana Arini, Mato Grosso reporter
Leandro Chaves, Acre reporter