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Story Publication logo February 10, 2022

Mosquito Control Across Louisiana

mosquito on camera lens

The largest killer is quite small. Worldwide, diseases spread by mosquitoes cause more than 2...


Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

An adult mosquito crawls across the lens of the camera on the Frank Davis, 'Naturally N'awlins' bridge over Lake Pontchartrain headed into St. Tammany Parish from New Orleans.

Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

St. Tammany Parish biologist Sydney Johnson takes a “dip,” sampling the septic drainage ditch for mosquito larvae.

frozen mosquitoes in tubes
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Mosquitoes collected from around the state are frozen and mailed to the Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in Baton Rouge where the pools are macerated and tested for diseases like West Nile virus.

Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Structures at the Calcasieu Parish mosquito control campus are still visibly damaged a year after Hurricane Laura.

structure damage
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Destroyed by high winds and debris, rusted structures have yet to be repaired at the Calcasieu Parish mosquito control campus a year after Hurricane Laura.

Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Pieces of insulation from the walls of a storage area flap in the breeze, unprotected on a windy day in Calcasieu Parish.

Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Barrels of costly and poisonous pesticides are stored in a damaged airplane hangar in Calcasieu Parish a year after Hurricane Laura.

mosquito samples stored in freezer beside candy bars
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Making due while stationed in an airplane hangar, the Calcasieu Parish mosquito control workers must share a freezer with locally-collected mosquito samples.

Video by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

L’Auberge du Lac, an iconic Lake Charles casino, is covered with scaffolding around its golden sign a year after Hurricane Laura.

sign on door reads "Face Covering Required"
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

A sign outside the dilapidated Lake Charles Department of Public Works still encourages staff and visitors to wear their masks to protect against COVID-19.

Lake Charles Department of Public Works sits in a pile of its own debris
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

Debris sits in front of the Lake Charles Department of Public Works building. The structure was damaged by Hurricane Laura.

damaged exterior of Lake Charles Department of Public Works
Image by Daphne Mark. United States, 2021.

The Lake Charles Department of Public Works sits in a pile of its own debris, still not repaired a year after Hurricane Laura.