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Story Publication logo July 29, 2020

Inside the World of Deforestation in the Republic of the Congo's Pool

Like these women, many inhabitants of the Pool region end up contributing to deforestation for their primary economic and subsistence activities. Image by Rosie Pioth. Republic of the Congo, 2020.

This project will focus on Nkamou in Congo-Brazzaville's Pool Department as a case study of...

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Like these women, many inhabitants of the Pool region end up contributing to deforestation for their primary economic and subsistence activities. Image by Rosie Pioth. Republic of the Congo, 2020.
Like these women, many inhabitants of the Pool region end up contributing to deforestation for their primary economic and subsistence activities. Image by Rosie Pioth. Republic of the Congo, 2020.

Once known as Brazzaville's bread basket, Congo's Pool department can no longer boast this title, and with good reason. The socio-political conflicts that shook the country for a long time led local populations to lose interest in agriculture and instead fall back on the most plentiful and accessible products to bring to market: charcoal and wood.

Nkamou is situated about 75 kilometers from Brazzaville. This locality is an illustration of the described dynamic. Artisanal logging, firewood production, and fuelwood (charcoal) gathering are all common practices for most of the inhabitants of this region.

Jadis considéré comme grenier de la ville de Brazzaville, le département du Pool ne peut plus se targuer de cette appellation. Et pour cause, les conflits socio-politiques qui ont secoué le pays pendant un bon moment ont amené les populations locales à se désintéresser de l'agriculture et à se rabattre sur le marché le plus offrant et le plus accessible : le charbon de bois et le bois.

La localité de Nkamou, située à environ 75 km de la ville de Brazzaville, en est une illustration. L'exploitation forestière artisanale, la production de bois de chauffage, de bois énergie (charbon de bois) sont des activités pratiquées par la plupart des habitants de cette contrée.

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