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Story Publication logo December 12, 2018

The Impact of the Palm Oil Industry on Indonesian Farmers and the Environment


Asnia shares a tender moment with her daughter Dewi after work. Dewi is deaf and mute. Asnia works hard in the plantation to save money for her daughters treatment. Image by Xyza Cruz Bacani. Indonesia, 2018.

Climate change, deforestation, and palm oil production are contributing to an increase in human...


Palm oil is used in food and cosmetics, and palm plantations are a major agricultural activity in Indonesia. Yet it is having a negative environmental impact on the country, is contributing to global warming, and farmers are often underpaid and suffer health problems. Filipina photographer Xyza Bacani's project, supported by the Pulitzer Center, records the hardship of the farmers who work and live on palm oil plantations with their families.