Story Publication logo April 11, 2019

Darién Under Threat



Heavy machinery is cutting a new road to untouched Caribbean beaches. Extractive industries are...

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Deforestation in the Darién gap affects indigenous people. Image by Guido Bilbao. Panama, 2019.
Deforestation in the Darién gap affects indigenous people. Image by Guido Bilbao. Panama, 2019.

Considered the most important biosphere reserve in Central America and a World Heritage Site, the Darién rainforest faces grave threats of deforestation—a growing industry despite local and international restrictions. 

This is How We Lose Darién

There is land in the center of the world that, some say, remains completely wild. It is a closed-off and cursed jungle, ihabited by ancient villages and traversed by all sorts of violence: drug and human traffickers, paramilitaries, settler outposts, logging businesses—they all jeopardize the Darién....

This article was published in the Spanish Language publication La Prensa. Read the story in Spanish here.