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    Projetos e Histórias

    Jornalismo da floresta tropical de todo o mundo O Rainforest Journalism Fund fornece apoio crítico para reportagens das regiões de floresta tropical da Amazônia, Bacia do Congo e Sudeste Asiático, com foco especial na construção de capacidade local de reportagem. Perguntas sobre o Rainforest

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    Proyek & Artikel

    Proyek dan Cerita Amazon Rainforest Rainforest Journalism Fund memberikan dukungan penting untuk pelaporan dari Amazon, Congo Basin, dan kawasan hutan hujan Asia Tenggara, dengan fokus khusus pada pengembangan kapasitas pelaporan lokal. Pertanyaan tentang Dana Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan? Hubungi

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    Projets et Articles

    Projets et articles Amazon Rainforest Le Rainforest Journalism Fund fournit un soutien essentiel pour les reportages dans les régions de la forêt tropicale de l'Amazonie, du bassin du Congo et de l'Asie du Sud-Est, avec un accent particulier sur le renforcement des capacités locales de production de

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    Proyectos e historias

    Periodismo ambiental de alrededor del mundo El Rainforest Journalism Fund ofrece un apoyo fundamental para periodismo ambiental en las regiones de la Cuenca Amazónica, la Cuenca del Congo, y el Sudeste Asiático, con un enfoque especial en desarrollo de capacidad para el periodismo local y regional

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    Projects & Stories

    Rainforest Journalism From Around the Globe The Rainforest Journalism Fund's work provided critical support for reporting in the region with a special focus on building local reporting capacity. The Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant . Browse

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    The 1619 Project Education Portal

    Here you will find reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your classroom, opportunities to partner on this education initiative, and the latest updates on education resources and programs related to 1619. Full Issue of "The 1619 Project" Supplementary

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    Bacia do Congo Rainforest Journalism Fund

    Sobre o Fundo de Jornalismo da Floresta Tropical da Bacia do Congo O Rainforest Journalism Fund visa apoiar e desenvolver a capacidade de jornalistas locais, regionais e internacionais que reportem questões relacionadas às florestas tropicais. Uma das três regiões de floresta tropical em foco é a

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    Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Basin Kongo

    Tentang Dana Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Lembah Kongo Rainforest Journalism Fund bertujuan untuk mendukung dan membangun kapasitas jurnalis lokal, regional, dan internasional yang meliput isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan hutan hujan tropis. Salah satu dari tiga kawasan hutan hujan yang menjadi fokus adalah

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    Fonds de journalisme de la forêt tropicale du bassin du Congo

    A PROPOS DU RAINFOREST JOURNALISM FUND Le Rainforest Journalism Fund vise à appuyer et à renforcer les capacités des journalistes locaux, régionaux et internationaux qui couvrent les questions liées aux forêts tropicales humides. L'une des trois régions de forêt tropicale humide ciblée est le bassin

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    Rainforest Journalism Fund de la Cuenca del Congo

    Acerca del Rainforest Journalism Fund de la Cuenca del Congo El Rainforest Journalism Fund tiene como objetivo apoyar y desarrollar la capacidad de los periodistas locales, regionales e internacionales que reportan sobre temas relacionados con las selvas tropicales. Una de las tres regiones de selva

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    Congo Basin Rainforest Journalism Fund

    The Congo Basin Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. Through this change, the Pulitzer Center continues to provide short-term project support to journalists reporting in rainforests, but seeks more ambitious proposals: larger in scale, and

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    Lesson Plans

    Browse and adapt hundreds of standards-aligned lesson plans for K–12 classrooms. Lessons encourage students to make local connections to global news stories, while strengthening skills such as critical thinking, media literacy, and communication. Click here to send feedback to our team. SECTIONS

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    Programs for K-12 Teachers and Students

    The Pulitzer Center's K–12 education programs and resources cultivate a more curious, informed, empathetic, and engaged public by connecting teachers and students with underreported global news stories and the journalists who cover them. Sign Up for Our Weekly K-12 Education Newsletter Email the

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    Subscribe to the Pulitzer Center Education Newsletter

    Subscribe to the Pulitzer Center's free weekly education newsletter and be the first to know about new programs, resources, and opportunities for educators and students related to The 1619 Project and the Pulitzer Center's other initiatives. Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email

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    Partnerships with Schools of Education

    The Pulitzer Center, in collaboration with Penguin Random House, has connected with schools of education across the United States to introduce pre-service teachers to The 1619 Project magazine and book resources. TEACHING THE 1619 BOOKS: PILOT PROGRAM REFLECTS MULTI-DISCIPLINARY ENGAGEMENT Learn