Pulitzer Center Update October 11, 2021

Webinar from NAHJ: 'Satellite Data and Other Digital Tools For Environmental Reporting'

Guyana, undated.

Mercury, the toxic quicksilver that pumps through the veins of gold miners is a necessary evil to...

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Multiple Authors

Satellite data & other digital tools for environmental reporting from NAHJ Admin on Vimeo.

During a National Association of Hispanic Journalists webinar, two Pulitzer Center grantees shared lessons learned from using remote sensing techniques and other tools for environmental reporting during the pandemic.

At the session "Satellite Data and Other Digital Tools For Environmental Reporting," attendees explored examples of how journalists are using advances in digital technology and satellite imagery for data/map-based investigations to report deforestation and other illegal activities, and how tools and techniques might complement future investigations once public health concerns have ceased.

The session featured Gustavo Faleiros, a grantee and the Pulitzer Center's environment investigations editor, and grantee Laura Kurtzberg, an assistant professor at Florida International University.

Click here to view other NAHJ recordings.